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Console Vault Blog

  • Road Rules: Vehicle Carry Solutions
    May 18, 2020 Scott Bonvissuto

    Road Rules: Vehicle Carry Solutions

    A concealed carry permit opens a lot of doors for bringing along your handgun in your day-to-day travels, but not all of them. A CCW permit isn't some magic pass that can be used everywhere. A daily carry routine can often be broken up by trips to schools, post offices, or other places where handguns can't be taken. At those times, weapons need to be stowed securely, and usually that means in your vehicle.

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  • How to Avoid Smash and Grabs
    May 18, 2020 Scott Bonvissuto

    How to Avoid Smash and Grabs

    If you have ever been the victim of a break-in with your car or what is known as smash and grabs, you know that the feeling of vulnerability never leaves you. Most people follow the check list and do all the right things by locking their vehicles, not leaving valuables in clear view and not parking in secluded areas. There's probably one thing you haven't thought of that's probably the best way to protect your valuables. Installing a safe right in your vehicle.

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